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M.S. - Business Astrologer & Writing Coach
“Before working with her, I lacked clarity, direction and purpose not just in my business, but in my life. I was struggling with anxiety, low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness and confusion. Since the intensive, so many things have shifted for me.
She is a rare gem. Her ability to zero in on the underlying blocks and provide transformational guidance is truly remarkable. Every single bit of wisdom she shares is like soul balm…you can’t get enough. It has been a real blessing to have her as a coach and I would recommend her to absolutely anyone and everyone.”
N.R. - Healer
“Since working with her, I have moved beyond past limitations surrounding fear. I am becoming all that I am meant to be. My mental, physical and spiritual bodies are now in alignment with my divine blueprint. I noticed powerful results after just one session with her, and I even noticed changes in my ability to manifest my thoughts. For the first time, I can now envision a future filled with joy, abundance and the freedom to follow my heart’s desires, and that feels absolutely blissful!”
N. – Teacher
“With your gentle guidance and help I feel like I’m finally able to make the important decisions in my life that I have been avoiding and too scared to make. Every time I speak with you I receive a dose of courage and strength as well as more truth and clarity and direction as to what I should do next to further better myself and my current life situation. I am finally starting to feel like I am important and worthy enough to do the things in my life that serve me (I love that!!!) so that I may lead a healthy, happy and balanced life. You are a truly gifted soul (beyond words!!) and healer and I feel especially fortunate and blessed to have crossed paths with you during my lifetime. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! You are an angel!!!”
“I want to thank you with all of my heart and soul for the work that you have done with me, and what you do for the world. I am usually pretty good at doing my own inner work, but I have to say that you have such a way of ‘finding that which is hidden’, even from a seasoned seeker such as myself!
Your Light shines so brightly you can’t help but to illuminate that which is deeply hidden within the subconscious minds of all you work with. You level of integrity and honesty is amazing. I trust in you completely. The work you did with me allows me to now more fully shine my own Light upon the world. What a gift you have given to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
K.K. – Author, Teacher, Healer
“I was so impressed by her sacred healing system around healing money issues and just 72 hours after experiencing her work, I attracted $27,000 in new business, moved to an amazing condo that should have cost so much more, experienced more flow in all areas of my life and have an even more wonderful relationship with money. I would highly recommend her work; it is truly incredible!”
“Unlike a career coach, a mentor, a psychiatrist, a psychic, or a preacher, I found that she had insight and understanding into who I inherently was, without any agenda to turn me into someone other than my best possible self. I have also found over time that unlike working with the usual suspects who tend to ‘talk’ through problems, working with her actually installs real and tangible changes in life. The ability to uncover an issue and resolve it, not with a band-aid solution, but with a change that is lasting and applies to all areas of my life is what has distinguished her work from the multitude of other avenues I’ve taken for personal growth and development.
Working with her has helped me become the person I truly am intended to be. As a result my relationships, career, and spiritual fulfillment have all benefited.”
J. - Entrepreneur
“Before partnering with her my life lacked direction and purpose. I had recently been fired from a well paying job that I no longer enjoyed. I was depressed, overweight and my physical, emotional and spiritual health was suffering. I took Prozac daily and I spent much of my time watching TV and eating. My self-image was low and I did not love and respect myself. I was searching for some relief from my misery and a way to free myself from my parents expectations.
Since working with her my life is now 100% better than before I began working with her. I noticed powerful results in just 3 sessions with her, and even noticed changes in my health – a 70 lb weight loss (over time), no more anti-depressants, and a positive shift in my attitude. For the first time I can now envision accomplishing goals for myself and that feels absolutely amazing.”
S.K. - Artist
“She is, without question, one of the most authentic, engaging and energizing visionaries I know. Not only is she highly gifted, she’s warm, mindful and absolutely delightful. I love working with her. It’s that simple.”
M.V. - Chief Brand Therapist
“I started working with Jennifer when my business was already very successful and profitable. I wanted to mentor with her to keep expanding the company’s income & impact. After the inner & outer shifts we worked on, I was able to collapse time and make in 8 months what it took 12 months to make the previous year.”
J.P. - Entrepreneur and Investor
“Wow, is all I can say is she is the most amazing channel. I was so deeply moved by the reading with her and her ability to see my path so clearly, focus on exactly what I was seeking from within and needing to clarify and heal, support me by navigating the deeper essence of my questions – by often pre-empting them – and doing so with such wisdom, serenity, love… I am just blown away. It’s the greatest gift to feel so connected to who I am and open to welcome exponential happiness, growth and opportunity.”