Learn how to read the Akashic Records, align to your purpose, heal your money story and raise your wealth consciousness, and even create your purpose-driven business. 


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Thousands of Jennifer’s students have benefited from her transformational programs.
Here’s a few of her student’s sharing their success.
“I saw massive shifts in my business as soon as I started working with Jennifer, and started hitting consistent $100K months only a few months after stepping into her powerful container.
In less than a year, my business grew by over 230% effortlessly – something I never thought I would say! If you’re looking for true quantum leaps and massive expansion, I cannot recommend Jennifer enough. Her expertise is absolutely invaluable, and learning from her has amplified my magnetism in profound ways.
Working with Jennifer has not only expanded my business & money magnetism, but has also expanded my consciousness, helped me manifest things in all areas of my life that I never expected to receive so quickly (like my dream home!), and supported me in fully opening my channeling abilities.”

Christina The Channel

“Before partnering with Jennifer, my life was filled with depression, anxiety and fear. I knew something was missing from my life, but I didn’t know what. A huge aspect of myself needed to be expressed; however, I didn’t know what it was or how to express it. Everything on the outside looked “perfect,” but on the inside, I was lost and disconnected from my purpose.
Immediately after beginning to work with Jennifer, my life began to shift miraculously. I remember it like an enormous veil being removed and feeling anchored into my truth and power.
I started noticing my relationships on all levels shifting for the better and had the courage to leave my career in architecture and start my own business doing what I love.
I am truly living my soul’s purpose with freedom, joy, and ease, and experiencing abundance and prosperity in all its many forms when it comes to my well-being, with my creativity, creating and sustaining loving, supporting relationships and an increasing income which results from the value I offer my students and clients.”

Baljit Rayat

“I have studied many energy modalities, and through this, I started hearing about The Akashic Records. I really wanted to find out more and experience The Records for myself. I held the intent to find a teacher who could guide me, and the Universe bought me Jennifer and her teachings.
The Soul Journeys®’ Method has been utterly transformational for me. In being able to go deep into The Akashic Records. I found that the Method reached parts that other modalities didn’t get to. This is why I love it so much!
Since working with Soul Journeys®’ Method, I have had my most significant personal and business growth. I found new paths that I wouldn’t have considered before, and this has stretched me and enabled me to uplevel beyond what I originally thought was possible. I have confidence in the wisdom, guidance, and love I receive from The Records, and this just makes life and business things easier.”

Louisa Havers

“I stepped into Level 1 Soul Journeys® with a genuine eagerness and excitement. This entire process was filled with a full feeling of ‘coming home’. With the sacred information received in my Akashic records, it set me on the journey of allowing myself to become who I was meant to be. Going forward, my entire reality shifted. As the layers of non serving beliefs were lifted, my relationship with my higher self began the most powerful transformation. The closer I became with self, the more compassion, love, joy, excitement, ease and relief I experienced within my life. Hidden deep and ‘dark’ beliefs and trauma’s were let go of, and I felt like my eyes were just open for the first time.
With the help of my teacher, my passion had reignited itself in such a irresistible way. I began practicing animal communication much more, revamped my entire business, and most importantly, I found the ‘real me’, who turned out to be someone more powerful and loving than I had ever imagined possible before. I began to understand why I am here, and that all of my work in the records, with horses and animal communication are simply all examples of healing modalities.”

Brandi Thiessen

“I have spent many years working in my Akashic Records with Jennifer and have become a certified Akashic Record Consultant using the Soul Journeys® Method. Jennifer has been AWEspiring to me and has encouraged and guided me to follow my own Spiritual path and achieve my quest with guided consultations to this day. She is powerful, loving & full of enormous wisdom.
Before consulting with Jennifer and experiencing the Akashic Records, my entire life felt as though it was in upheaval filled with insecurity, lack of, and I was living to make other’s happy, not myself. I was clearly living an illusion. Now I have learned a healthy balance. One big lesson has been that if I am not happy first, I cannot help contribute to somebody else’s happiness or well being. Today, I know how to step into a feeling of happiness in an instant thanks to Jennifer! She is like a diamond, sparkling with clarity, joy & light! I truly love her and am greatly appreciative for having her on my soul’s journey. Thank you Jennifer for showing me the way!”

Chiara LaRizza

“It is the greatest blessing to find a teacher who has THE most enlightened answer to every question you ever asked, always addressing the very core of the issue at hand. Therefore, I will forever honour the energy, knowledge, and blessings of one of the most amazing teachers walking amongst us today, Jennifer Longmore, who has shown me HOW healing is as infinite as it is real and possible…in a most joyous, gentle and loving way.”

Milada Sakic

“Working with Jennifer allowed me to grow and stretch at a rate I could never have imagined and increase my business revenues by 300% in a year!”

Jamie Hearn

My 1:1 roster fills quickly, so I’ve carefully curated a list of pristine, divinely aligned channels of truth and consciousness. If you feel called to this sacred work and are unable to work with me directly, these channels are here to guide you on your journey.

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