The Ultimate Clear Channel Immersion For Light Leaders Ready To BE Highly Paid For Their Channeling Precision

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This is THE sacred container for you to become a cherished member if you wish to be shown how to easily & elegantly exponentialize your income as a clear channel for your clients.

You know that if you could be even more certain about the divine downloads that come through you, if you knew without a doubt your channeling was 100% accurate at all times…

You’re a seasoned healer, light leader, ascension guide, channel who uses your sacred gift to get your clients the out-of-this-world results they do. It’s why they come to you.

Your confidence would soar

You would be able to charge way more

You would sign many more clients effortlessly.

As it is now, though, there are times where: 

You wobble

You say things you aren’t 100% sure of

You feel unclear about what you’re channeling

You question the ‘source’ of where you are getting your downloads

Sometimes you realize after the fact you were a little off base

It’s caused you to doubt how much you can trust your work and trust your channel and then how much others can trust your channel too.

You know that unwavering trust and confidence in yourself and your channel is key to everything: 

✔ Charging higher fees for the amazing results you get your clients and having people pay them without hesitation

✔ Signing dream clients with authority so that they jump into your offers with great ease

✔ Elevating your magnetism for more money & heavenly clients who can truly receive your sacred medicine

✔ Instantly taking the cap on your income so that everything flows and gets to be easy the way it was always meant to be.

The Golden Channel is the premier space for seasoned light leaders who know it’s time to embody this coveted level of certainty and clarity. You will walk away from this sacred immersion with complete confidence that your channel is fine tuned to be reliable in every moment, with every client 100% of the time.

You will know how to have clients jumping in effortlessly to your offers (no more objections) because you will always know exactly what to say to them so they know that you are their person.

You will know how to get exactly what you want in life and business because you will know how to channel your exact moves to receive far more with far greater ease

Even if you already view yourself as a clear channel, and wonder why you’d step into this, I can share that my VIP clients who are the clearest channels I know, have been grateful for this ‘Ph.D level‘ channeling immersion so they could refine an already highly-attuned channel so they feel 100% accurate, 100% of the time


"I am now 100% confident in my channel and my client roster is always full. I am almost 100% referral based which means that I barely market, and have a waiting list of people eager to benefit from my channel"

Milada Sakic

"Immediately after beginning to work with Jennifer, my channel was activated and now I get to work with clients all around the world, getting paid the high rates that I’m worth doing what I love. I am now a sought after channel and guest expert after refining my channel to be accurate in every moment."

Baljit Rayat

In less than a year, my business grew by over 230% effortlessly - something I never thought I would say!

Working with Jennifer has not only expanded my business & money magnetism, but has also expanded my consciousness, helped me manifest things in all areas of my life that I never expected to receive so quickly (like my dream home!), and supported me in fully opening my channeling abilities."

Christina The Channel

“Working with Jennifer to optimize my channel allowed me to grow and stretch at a rate I could never have imagined and increase my business revenues by 300% in a year!

Jamie Hearn

During our Sacred Immersion beginning Tuesday August 6th from 3pm to 4pm ET (Toronto time), you will have lifetime access to Highly Advanced Trainings on how to:

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We are also going to fine tune your money channel, the unique way that you channel the energy of money through you, by:

"I was so impressed by Jennifer’s sacred healing system around healing money issues and just 72 hours after experiencing her work, I attracted $27,000 in new business, moved to an amazing condo that should have cost so much more, experienced more flow in all areas of my life and have an even more wonderful relationship with money. I would highly recommend Jennifer’s work; it is truly incredible!"

Joanna Garzilli

The GOLDEN CHANNEL is for the light leader who is eager to be a crystal clear channel for ascension AND a pristine channel for wealth because they know that the enormity of the collective mission requires enormous amounts of money and for us to dissolve distortions so that we can restore our original codes, reclaim our planet and create Heaven on Earth.

We begin Tuesday August 6th from 3pm to 4pm ET (Toronto time)

Robyn McKay

"Jennifer has been my go to mentor for years because my income exponentializes year after year. She's helped me to feel confident to raise my rates to match my authority so that dream clients jump in on demand whenever I put out a new offer."

About Your Clear Channeling Mentor...

Jennifer Longmore is an award winning 8+ Figure CEO, 11 time best selling author and founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world. Over the past 20 years, her school has certified over 100,000 consultants in over 100 countries and has been translated into 5 languages.

She created her 8+ figure new earth empire by channeling the exact moves to take to create it with ease. She is honored to teach others how they can use their channel to be of high service and to take the guesswork out of how to build a highly profitable new earth empire too.

She is also a clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who comes to earth during times of great transition, like the collective ascension we are experiencing now.

She is here to restore the original codes of The Land of The People, to reawaken the gold codes as they were intended, and support as many light leaders as possible elevate into their sacred mission and allow in millions to fuel the spread of their sacred gifts.

When she is not channeling and providing high level strategic guidance to light leaders, you can find her enjoying trips with her family, hikes with her dog, or tending to her 100+ rare plant collection.

For any questions or assistance with registration, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly Client Care team at

We are happy to answer your questions and guide you through the process. We look forward to welcoming you to the program!

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